Technology - Sol-In Technologies

Real-time IAQ
monitoring on the cloud

Smart sensors strategically placed indoors continuously measure and monitor key IAQ parameters, including CO2 level, particulate matter, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), humidity,temperature, occupancy, and more. The collected data is processed and analyzed on the cloud in real-time, generating valuable insights and recommendations that help keep indoor air at a safe level, improve well-being, reduce energy costs, and better comply with regulations.

CO2 level
PM 2.5

Data-driven, AI-powered
actionable insights

Sol-In’s powerful algorithms draw on knowledge gained over decades from multidisciplinary fields, including climate science,sustainability goals, ESG goals, software & hardware engineering, and algorithm/AI. Leveraging reliable sensor data from scientifically proven metrics, our smart algorithms understand how various contaminants impact health, generating reliable insights that help increase indoor air safety while reducing health and non-compliance risk.

Energy optimization
leveraging intelligent IAQ data

With Sol-In’s intuitive dashboard, asset owners and operators can easily monitor and mitigate against air quality issues in real time. Intelligent reports can be generated based on current and historical data, helping optimize the energy consumption of heating & cooling, purification, and ventilation systems while reducing emissions and carbon footprint while ensuring well-being and safety for occupants.

System Benefits

Easy to implement and connect API to existing smart BMS systems

Scalable & easy to install

Cyber ​​protected and multi-system support capabilities

Clean air & sustainability don’t have to be at odds

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